Below is a special list from Schoen Books for the AJLsellers promotion to
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HASAFRAN DECEMBER OFFER. Ordering information is at the end of this
1. (Aden) Chajes, H.P. JUDISCHE UND JUDISCH-INDISCHE GRABINSCHRIFTEN AUS ADEN mit einer Besprechung der indischen Texte von J. Kirste. Wien: Gerold's Sohn, 1903 . Schoen Books Reprint (2006). Sitzungsberichte Kais. Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien. Philosophisch-historische Klasse. Band CXLVII. Mit 1 Tafel und 8 Abbildungen im Texte. Perfect-bound . New. (254151) $20.00
2. American Joint Distribution Committee European Executive Offices. WORLD REFUGEE ORGANIZATIONS A GUIDE TO RELIEF AND RECONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES FOR REFUGEES FROM GERMANY. Paris: WJD/ Schoen Reprint, July 1937/ 2013. 122 pp. Amazing document with offices throughout the world especially Europe to receive the refugees, with addresses and names of officials, activities, charts of the Emigration of German Jews. Perfect-bound. Very Good. This is a reprint of the scarce original. (254150) $45.00
3. (China) Katz, Albert. DIE JUDEN IN CHINA. Berlin: Katz, 1900. Schoen Books Reprint (2005). 31pp. Perfect-bound . New. (237537) $20.00
4. Endewelt H und Weissblatt S. DAS ERSTE JUDISCHE SCHACHLEHRBUCH. Warschau: Lewin Epstein, 1917. Schoen Books Reprint (2007). Seems to be the earliest (Mendele Vol. 3.200) Yiddish chess book. Includes instructions, various openings, sample games, and problems (with solutions). Perfect-bound . New. In Yiddish (254143) $20.00
5. (India) Simon A I . THE SONGS OF THE JEWS OF COCHIN AND THEIR HISTORICAL SIGNIFIGANCE (REPRINT) A standing monument to Indian Tolerance. Cochin: Pangal Press, 1947/2014. reprint. 48 pp. This is a reprint of the original. Wrapper. Very Good. Paper read at the meeting of the members of the Cochin Branch of the Archaeological Society of South India (257124)
6. (Morocco) Goulven, J. LES MELLAHS DE RABAT SALE. Paris: Paul Guethner (Schoen Reprint), 1927 (2006). Schoen Books Reprint. A study of the Jewish community in Rabat Morocco, with 163 pages, and 32 plates ( two in color) of drawings and photos of Jewish life. Wrapper. new . Reprint (254144) $45.00
7. (North Africa) Eisenbeth, Maurice . LES JUIFS DE L'AFRIQUE DU NORD Demographie & Onomastique. Alger: Imprimerie du Lycee, 1936. Schoen Books Reprint (2006). Massive geographical and genealogical with an extraordinary, detailed account of Jewish communities in North Africa (Algeria, Tunisia, Morocco) with many maps, including two detachable fold-outs (11" by 17"): Repartition / Densite de population israelite. Author was Grand Rabbin d'Alger. 189pp. + 12pp. Extrait de Comptes redus bibliographiques (addendum of contemporary reviews) in six languages! Perfect-bound . New. Reprint (250451) $55.00
8. (Reprint) Consistoire central des Israelites de France et d'Algerie (Schwartz I preface). MEMORIAL... : EN SOUVENIR DE NOS RABBINS ET MINISTRES OFFICIANTS, VICTIMES DE LA BARBARIE NAZIE REPRINT). Paris: Jacobs, 1947/2013 . 52 pp. with pictures , short biographies and their deaths (this is a reprint of the original) Wrapper. Very Good. (254149) $25.00
1. (Aden) Chajes, H.P. JUDISCHE UND JUDISCH-INDISCHE GRABINSCHRIFTEN AUS ADEN mit einer Besprechung der indischen Texte von J. Kirste. Wien: Gerold's Sohn, 1903 . Schoen Books Reprint (2006). Sitzungsberichte Kais. Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien. Philosophisch-historische Klasse. Band CXLVII. Mit 1 Tafel und 8 Abbildungen im Texte. Perfect-bound . New. (254151) $20.00
2. American Joint Distribution Committee European Executive Offices. WORLD REFUGEE ORGANIZATIONS A GUIDE TO RELIEF AND RECONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES FOR REFUGEES FROM GERMANY. Paris: WJD/ Schoen Reprint, July 1937/ 2013. 122 pp. Amazing document with offices throughout the world especially Europe to receive the refugees, with addresses and names of officials, activities, charts of the Emigration of German Jews. Perfect-bound. Very Good. This is a reprint of the scarce original. (254150) $45.00
3. (China) Katz, Albert. DIE JUDEN IN CHINA. Berlin: Katz, 1900. Schoen Books Reprint (2005). 31pp. Perfect-bound . New. (237537) $20.00
4. Endewelt H und Weissblatt S. DAS ERSTE JUDISCHE SCHACHLEHRBUCH. Warschau: Lewin Epstein, 1917. Schoen Books Reprint (2007). Seems to be the earliest (Mendele Vol. 3.200) Yiddish chess book. Includes instructions, various openings, sample games, and problems (with solutions). Perfect-bound . New. In Yiddish (254143) $20.00
5. (India) Simon A I . THE SONGS OF THE JEWS OF COCHIN AND THEIR HISTORICAL SIGNIFIGANCE (REPRINT) A standing monument to Indian Tolerance. Cochin: Pangal Press, 1947/2014. reprint. 48 pp. This is a reprint of the original. Wrapper. Very Good. Paper read at the meeting of the members of the Cochin Branch of the Archaeological Society of South India (257124)
6. (Morocco) Goulven, J. LES MELLAHS DE RABAT SALE. Paris: Paul Guethner (Schoen Reprint), 1927 (2006). Schoen Books Reprint. A study of the Jewish community in Rabat Morocco, with 163 pages, and 32 plates ( two in color) of drawings and photos of Jewish life. Wrapper. new . Reprint (254144) $45.00
7. (North Africa) Eisenbeth, Maurice . LES JUIFS DE L'AFRIQUE DU NORD Demographie & Onomastique. Alger: Imprimerie du Lycee, 1936. Schoen Books Reprint (2006). Massive geographical and genealogical with an extraordinary, detailed account of Jewish communities in North Africa (Algeria, Tunisia, Morocco) with many maps, including two detachable fold-outs (11" by 17"): Repartition / Densite de population israelite. Author was Grand Rabbin d'Alger. 189pp. + 12pp. Extrait de Comptes redus bibliographiques (addendum of contemporary reviews) in six languages! Perfect-bound . New. Reprint (250451) $55.00
8. (Reprint) Consistoire central des Israelites de France et d'Algerie (Schwartz I preface). MEMORIAL... : EN SOUVENIR DE NOS RABBINS ET MINISTRES OFFICIANTS, VICTIMES DE LA BARBARIE NAZIE REPRINT). Paris: Jacobs, 1947/2013 . 52 pp. with pictures , short biographies and their deaths (this is a reprint of the original) Wrapper. Very Good. (254149) $25.00
Schoen Books
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