Thursday, December 4, 2014

Gihon River Press Special List for AJL


1)  Liesl’s Ocean Rescue written by Barabara Krasner and illustrated by Avi Katz:
Lisel’s Ocean Rescue recounts the story of Liesl Joseph, a 10 year old girl aboard  the ill-fated MS St. Louis.  On May 13, 1939, together with her parents and 937 other Jewish refugees they left Germany on the MS. St Louis attempting  to seek temporary asylum in Cuba.  Read More:
2)      Women of Valor by Joanne Gilbert:
Women of Valor: Polish Resisters to the Third Reich provides a unique and inspiring perspective on the extraordinary Jewish and non- Jewish women who risked everything to defy the Nazis. In this highly readable and educational collection of true stories, educator, public-speaker and author Joanne D. Gilbert celebrates the heroines of World War II who not only fought the horrors of the Holocaust, but survived well into their 80s and 90s—living lives of commitment to the human spirit and human rights. Read More:

3)      Amidst the Shadows of Trees by Miriam Brysk
I was brave, but without Mama I would die alone. She in turn was afraid that I would die of cold and hunger. Her thoughts were of me. “Mirele, are you all right?” she asked. “Let me rub your feet a little.” I remember one specific night, lying with several people in a pit under the branches of a large spruce tree. The branches helped protect us from the wind and cold. Suddenly, we heard noises in the distance. As they came closer, we realized that the sounds were footsteps. Then we heard men speaking German. Trembling in total fright, we could feel our hearts pounding. Mama held me tightly, my head buried in her chest. Was this the end? Did we come this far only to be captured now? Fortunately, there was no moon that night and the soldiers brought no dogs to sniff us out. They passed only yards away from us. Had they come earlier during daylight, they would have noticed our footsteps in the snow. We stayed put all night, our bodies shivering in the numbing winter cold. The only sound we heard was the howling of wolves.
4)      The Stones Weep by Miriam Brysk and Margaret Lincoln:
Welcomed by educators, artists, students, historians as well as the Holocaust community, The Stones Weep by Miriam Brysk and Margaret Lincoln is a uniquely engaging and effective Holocaust Education book that combines multiple aspects of a survivor’s art—emotional, impressionistic digital creations—with teacher-created and tested lesson plans that meet State and National Core Curriculum Standards, including an online lesson available in Moodle. In so doing, this book provides new perspectives for teaching and learning about the Holocaust.
5)      The Tattered Prayer Book by Ellen Bari:
The Tattered Prayer Book is a gentle introduction to the Holocaust for children ages 6-10. Ruthie discovers a secret about her father, while looking through a box of mementos from the “old country.” As her father tells his surprising story, Ruthie learns a piece of her father’s story, a slice of Jewish history and the circumstances under which the family fled Nazi Germany.  Sharing the story with Ruthie, allows father to heal and daughter to grow.
6)      Karski: How One Man Tried to Stop the Holocaust by E. Thomas Wood & Stanislaw M. Jankowski:

7)      Bitter Freedom: Memoirs of a Holocaust Survivor  written by Jafa Wallach:

8)      Ursula’s Prism by Anna Block

9)      Silence Not  A Love Story  by Cynthia Cooper:

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